Click Here to Submit Your Payment Online:
Please note: There will be assessed a 3% fee for each payment submitted by credit card, cash card or similar payment methods. You may submit payments without a fee if you pay by debit card, cash, check, money order, or by Automated Clearing House payment (bank transfer), using the Pay Now button, above.
Attention Bankruptcy Clients: We cannot accept payments by credit card or charge card issued by one of your creditors. Any payments made by this method will be returned and you will be assessed a Reversal Fee. You may pay with a card issued to another person who has authorized you to use it. Otherwise you may pay by cash, check, or money order. Filing fees must be paid, by cash or money order only, and only at the signing of your documents.
You may mail or deliver your payment to:
McBride & Associates, P. C.
Attn: Billing
732 North Santa Fe Avenue
Edmond, Oklahoma 73003
Please include your Client Number on your check or money order.
Thank you!
What Sets Us Apart From The Rest?
McBride & Associates, P.C. is here to help you get the results you need with a team you can trust.